1. Journal. Write down everything you eat and drink. Be honest about what you are eating. You will only be cheating yourself.
2. Drink plenty of water. Thirst can be perceived as hunger so if you are hungry try having a glass of water first.
3. Fill up on fruits and vegetables. Have a salad, vegetables or fruit with every meal.
4. Eat small amounts frequently throughout the day. This will prevent you from getting too hungry and over eating
5. Limit alcohol. It is full of empty calories and reduces your inhibitions which may lead to overeating
6. Watch portion sizes. A serving of meat is the size of a deck of cards. A cup of rice or pasta is the size of a baseball.
7. Eat some protein with your breakfast. This will help you stay fuller throughout the day.
8. Ask for help. Ask the people around you (family, coworkers, etc) to help you by not tempting you.
9. Use a smaller plate so you do not feel the need to fill up a big plate.
10. Know your “red light” foods and keep them out of your environment.
11. Know your hunger signals. Eat when you are just starting to get hungry. Do not wait until you are starving. Stop eating when you begin to get full, not when you are stuffed.
12. Don’t deprive yourself. If you are craving something, have just a little, otherwise you may end up binging later.
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